The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is an orbiting infrared observatory that will take the place of the Hubble Space Telescope at the end of its mission. Genesis Engineering Solutions was contracted to develop the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) Electronics Compartment (IEC) also knows as Region 2 of the JWST. This involves developing a light weight composite structure with optical reflective louver systems; this heat emitting system functions as a state-of-the-art radiator for space.
The goal of the JWST is to study the universe at the important but previously unobserved epoch of galaxy formation. It will peer through dust to witness the birth of stars and planetary systems similar to our own. Utilizing JWST, scientists hope to get a better understanding of the intriguing dark matter problem. JWST is also a key element in NASA’s Origins Program.
- Composite Structures
- Thermal Blanketing
- Harness, Cabling, Routing
- Ground Support Equipment
- Design
- Analysis (Thermal & Structural)
- Fabrication and Integration
- Project Management
- Genesis’ Integration Space and Class 10K Cleanroom
- Composite Fabrication Facility
- Design, Manufacture, Integration, Test, and Support for Region 2 of the telescope
- Composite shell design houses the telescope electronics
- Innovative optical reflective louver design made of composite materials
- Thermal system Incorporates critical heat-emitting solution